Monday 27 February 2012

What a disaster!

Today we decided to do a little baking... Our world has cooled off somewhat and it is far more comfortable, albeit a little bit humid, for baking!

I have been looking for recipes so I could use up the zucchinis in our garden.  A friend recommended a combination of zucchini and chocolate... I thought, yes... that is a fantastic idea... my girl loves a chocolate muffin and it is all the more healthy when filled with zucchini!

Well... they didn't rise very well... were all gluggy in the middle, even though a knife came out clean and they tasted revolting.  Am going to try them again, with a different recipe... hopefully we have better luck!

Not even going to rate the ones we made today!  Blurghhhhh!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Too hot to bake!

Sorry.  We had to endure a really hot one today... 38 C it was...I didn't want to add any extra heat to an already hot house!   I don't function very well on really hot days... Thank goodness that tomorrow is the last of 3 consecutive days of heat... bring on a cool change and a thunderstorm I say!

Will bake on Monday morning... speak to you then!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Carrot and Zucchini Muffins... Week 4... 4/5

So we have zucchinis coming out our ears... I am always looking for something to do with them, may as well utilise what you have rather than buy more ingredients.  

These are delicious!  They are sweet, moist and somewhat healthier than the banana, choc chip muffins we cooked mid week.  The only reason I haven't given them a 5/5 is that I quite like biting into a muffin with a bit of texture, whether it be blueberries, chocolate, walnuts etc.

These were super easy to make, requiring no mixer, only a good forearm to only just combine the ingredients.

Here goes...


2c self raising flour
2/3c raw sugar
1tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 grated carrot
3/4c grated zucchini
100g butter - melted
2 eggs - lightly beaten before being added
1/2 to 3/4 c milk - depending on consistency

1. Preheat oven to 180 c.  Grease muffin tins.
2. Sift flour into a large bowl, add raw sugar and cinnamon.
3. Add grated zucchini and carrot and combine with hands.
4. In separate bowl combine lightly beaten eggs to melted (and slightly cooled) butter, add milk.
5. Add wet ingredients to dry, adding a little extra milk if needed.
6. Spoon into muffin tin and bake 20 - 25 minutes depending on your oven.
7. Remove from tins and cool.  Serve warm with butter!

Thursday 9 February 2012

A day off!

Apologies to those looking for a new muffin to make each week... This weekend it is my Birthday and Dad and the big girl are going to bake a cake.  It seems silly to make muffins too, especially when I am a bit of a sweet tooth!  

Will try and post a pic.

Will see you all again next week!


Saturday 4 February 2012

Banana and Blueberry muffins - week 3 - rating 5 out of 5

Firstly I have to deduct a point from last weeks Pear and Cinnamon muffins.  They were good, but these are melt in your mouth gorgeous... And if I want to give these 5/5 and they are better than last weeks, then last weeks have to become a 4/5!

This weeks muffins are Banana and Blueberry

 They were so easy and quick, didn't require a mixer of any sort... super simple!

Mash 2 bananas, add 3/4c of brown sugar and 1 egg to bananas.  Give a bit of a stir.

Add 3/4c melted butter, a cup of fresh blueberries and a 1/3c milk(or a tad more if mixture is too thick).

Sieve 1 1/2c self raising flour, 1/tsp of baking powder, a dash of salt into banana mixture, until just combined.

Spoon into greased muffin tins, and bake 20 -25 minutes or until cooked through when tested with a knife.

Bake at 200C degrees.

Serve warm with a little butter!

Let me know what you think, I appreciate feedback!